5 July 2024 - Intersect board meeting
Intersect Board Meeting 5 July 2024(2024-07-05 14:00 UTC) Update
Board Seat
Tim Harrison
JJ Gerard M
Nikhil Joshi
Steve Lupien
None required
Alex Pestchanker
Juana Attieh Lloyd Duhon
Lawrence Clark
Kylie Schmeeckle (absent)
The Secretary called the meeting to order on behalf of Chair Steven Lupien.
All cameras were on, and all participants confirmed their adherence to the Directors' Conflict of Interest policy.
The Secretary noted the agenda and proceeded with the meeting.
Noted Agenda
Agenda discussion points
Any pre-reading material
Confirmation that the conflict of interest policy has been read and agreed
Attendees to update on any conflicts they are aware of
Lawrence Clark
Noted Board Resolutions
Lawrence Clark
In deck
Key discussion points
Lawrence Clark
In deck
Membership Stipend
Tim Harrison
In deck
Constitutional Committee: Key and voting
Lawrence Clark
Noted Board Resolutions:
Acknowledgment that Nigel Hemsley resigned from his position as Chief Operations Officer and Board member of Intersect.
Motion taken by unanimous decision to accept the resignation of Nigel Hemsley from all positions at Intersect.
Acknowledgment that Tim Harrison has resigned from his position as a Board Member of Intersect.
Motion taken by unanimous decision to accept the resignation of Tim Harrison from his role as Intersect Board Member.
Decision required for the appointment of Gerard Moroney to the Intersect Board.
Motion taken by unanimous decision to accept Gerard Moroney as the board member holding the IOG board seat.
Acknowledgement that Kylie Schmeeckle has resigned from the position of Treasurer.
Motion taken by unanimous decision to accept the resignation of Kylie Schmeeckle from the position of Treasurer.
Decision required for the interim appointment of Dan Singleman as Intersect Treasurer.
Motion taken by unanimous decision to accept Dan Singleman to the role of Intersect Treasurer.
Agree Alex Pestchanker's extended role as an Intersect Executive.
Motion taken by unanimous decision to allow Alex Pestchanker to take an extended role to support the Intersect team following the resignation of Nigel Hemsley.
Discussion points
Lawrence Clark updated the board on the emails sent to the board.
The board instructed Lawrence Clark to liaise with the appropriate individuals to collate a response to the Cardano Foundation questions. The board should review it before being sent.
The board discussed the time requirements for Alex Pestchanker for him to fulfill the extended role he has been asked to perform. Alex Pestchanker confirmed that it was an important role and would make the time to ensure Intersect was a success.
Membership Stipend
The board discussed the paying members for the time they spent working on Intersect Committees. All agreed that the stipend should be paid but due to the current challenges facing Intersect, it was agreed that membership stipend should be considered as part of the 2025 budget ask.
Motion taken by unanimous decision to consider membership stipend as part of 2025 budget.
Intersect Constitution Committee Keys
Lawrence Clark discussed the steps being taken by Intersect to ensure the new constitutional keys were being maintained correctly. Lawrence explained that Intersect is working closely with other Constitutional Committee members to ensure operational procedures are in place and align with any recommendations. These procedures outline the best practices for storing and managing the Intersect key.
This tooling offers institutional-grade operators a solution to Cardano credential management;
Provides separation of roles and responsibilities across many individuals
Using a multi-signature authorization scheme for all on-chain governance transactions
Vastly reduces the potential negative impact of loss of keys
Providing public tracing and audibility
Via an X.509 certificate tree
Allows updating of user keys without changing committee credentials
Intersect intends to use this tool for its Interim Constitutional Committee Credential management because;
It allows the distribution of control of credentials across many individuals (or members)
Specific individuals for roles have not been chosen yet, and for security reasons, some key holders should remain anonymous.
Keys will be spread across many individuals and geographic regions.
It allows for the auditability of on-chain actions - and ensures auditing by members.
It allows for easy rotation of keys between individuals, useful for staffing changes.
Additionally, the board was asked to confirm that Intersect would not vote in the Interim Constitutional Committee process. If this is approved then appropriate communications will be created in preparation for publishing to our membership.
Motion taken by unanimous decision for Intersect not to vote during the Interim Constitutional Committee process.
Lawrence Clark sought the Chair's approval to close the meeting at 1600 UTC on 5 July 2024.
Last updated